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India  Government plans to build a Super App for farmers, agricultural department started working on the Super App project

India  Government plans to build a Super App for farmers, agricultural department started working on the Super App project

By Puja Ghosh Tuesday April 19, 2022


Farmers facing many problems for Sudden Changes of weather. But, from now they will not survive for the climate. Using the smart app, they will be up-skilled about farming and technologies and also post-harvest processing such as marketing.

At the same, Farmers will have access  to the modern research and development, weather and market updates, services offered, government initiatives, and advisories for various agro climatic zones. So, using this smart app farmers will be so much benefited.

According to a ministry of agriculture and farmers’ welfare official, the government aims to build a nifty app for farmers that will consolidate several digital organizations and existing mobile apps.

the apps that the ministry is considering integrating are Kisan Suvidha, Pusa Krishi, MKisan, Shetkari Masik Android App, Farm-o-Pedia, Crop Insurance Android App, AgriMarket, Iffco Kisan, and ICAR’s Krishi Gyan.

“The compilation of different apps under a super app at one place will help the farmers choose from a bouquet of services as per their requirements,” said the official anonymously. “The focus will be to aggregate these apps to further search a relevant app.”

 To talk about the super app’s development, Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar recently met with senior ministry officials. The official reveal that it might be released in the following weeks.

Farmers will be educated about agricultural production and technologies and post-harvest issues such as marketing using this smart app.

According to the official, it will aid in the direct connection of farmers with the scientific community. Several government entities, including ICAR institutions, state agricultural colleges, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, and other departments, have produced existing apps integrated with the nifty app.


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